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Thursday, August 28, 2008

Fund raised~

Hi! It’s time I blog about the recent happenings in the club again. I believe we all know the club has recently embarked on a journey of fund-raising. The club owes it to Leo Evan Yip! A round of applause for him!

Through this fund-raising project, I have personally witness a strong will and great sense of responsibility from him. Of course, the project also owes many who have helped out in making this project a success. Some who hide behind the curtains and make this success a success. Others, who helped out at the booth~

The event began with plans and then executed starting on Sunday evening, where all the ingredients are bought and brought to Leo Garry’s house for preparation. Cook Kenny, a.k.a. our club treasurer has been of great help by contributing his wonderful recipe of Herbal eggs! For those who have tasted it, knows how good it is. The event also owes to Leo Lina, who seeded the idea of selling sweet corn to raise fund! It was indeed among the highlights of fundraising! Idea without execution is of course nothing. Thanks to Leo Yeung Yung Lin, who was willing to arrange the cups, spoons and the wonderful steamer!

On top of that, the event also has to thank Leo Chee Fei for lending his super-big pots for the now famous ‘Lin Chi Kang’. So much said, the event cannot forget those who lend their car and effort to help bring all the stuffs from LEVEL 5 to the car and from the car to the University! These kind and hardworking people includes Leo Victor Yu, Leo Satish and Leo Shaun! THANKS!

What’s more, Leo Satish inadvertedly surprised everyone by baking 2 huge boxes of cupcakes for the club to raise fund. Not only the contribution of forking out money to bake the cupcakes, but the effort. The effort really touched some of us in the club. Leo Joeanne, expressed her gratitude as the Tropicana Leader.

Morever, fellow Leos who also helped in the planning and executing the plan like Leo Jack Seow, and Leo Fong Boon Hoe, who are there every time help is needed. Not forget to mention those not from Tropicana, Leo June Lim, Leo Carolyn who are there almost every day to assist organizing chairperson in making this event a success. Still, there are many names to mention. Our club is blessed to have the twin sisters who helped at the booth without sign of tiredness; Leo Yi Peng & Yi Mei.

From the event, I myself have seen the many will. Some strong, some weak. But in all, we have come thru it together. It’s for the society. A club with over 70 members should have 70 over participations. But, in the light of the event, we see the revelation of what was once shared by Lion Nelson. In a club, we have 3 kinds of members.

1. The ones who actively partake in the ENTIRE event.

2. The kind who wait and see this happen.

3. The kind who DON’T even know what is going on.

Type 2 and 3, don't lose hope. You chance and turn will come. Just strive to be type 1 any time in the near future! We all will be given the chance to SERVE~

Not forgetting the event managed to raise RM 400 within 4 days. Though not a huge amount, but it was a learning experience. I bear witness to the growth of a man. In times of hardship is when we see the true faces of many. Let’s continue to be UNITED and SERVE!!! Leo Club of Monash University. ROAR!~ ROAR!~ ROAR!~

Sunday, August 24, 2008

FUND Raising!!!

Come on fellow Leos! Join the fun! Raise some FUND!
It's about time since we last raise some Fund! CHECK THEM OUT! THE MORE MAN POWER THE BETTER. Help the this new volunteer, Leo Evan with his 1st event! It's simple! Whenever you are free, lend Leo club some of your time by helping out in taking care at of the booth!

Of course, at the same time, HELP promote to all your friends about the event! Just write a simple note at the message box like ' I am free at 12.00am to 1pm' and send it to leo@webmail.monash.edu.my. 

By the way need transportation help to bring the supplies to Monash University to and from Lagoon Perdana. Monday to Thursday.  You don't have to do it EVERYDAY, just one day from one of our members each will do~ You can help out in any days as you wish.

Time : 9am pick up at Lagoon Perdana. Bring back to Lagoon Perdana ,yet to decide, but anytime after 3pm.
Reply A.S.A.P!  And Many thanks to those who help! LETS Serve in simple ways 1st~
Evan Cheong Wai Yip (012-2342673) - supersonic_2030@hotmail.com
A silly fellow who is trying to make a difference for the world through charity.
Organising Chairperson for Leo of Monash University Fund Raising.

LETS UNITE in power to raise some funds for the CLUB!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Upcoming Events (September 2008)

Hey Everyone!

Look out for our exciting upcoming events lined up so make yourself available on these important dates. ;) Also, if you know you're in the Humanity group or would like to join the Humanity group, please email me or drop in on our meeting this Wednesday at 5pm in the library =)

Visit to Core Competency Sdn Bhd (website)
Date: 13th September 2008 (Saturday)
Time: 8.00 AM to 1.00 PM
Fees: RM 5 (LEO members) / RM 10 (non-LEO members)
PIC: Ng Yi Mei -

Blood Donation Campaign
Dates: 23rd to 25th September 2008 (Tuesday-Thursday)
PIC: Seow Wen Jhe -

Health Awareness Week
Dates*: 16th to 20th September 2008
PIC: Fitri

PS: Happy Birthday Brian!!!

Monday, August 18, 2008

30 Hours famine

For those who attended, thank you very much for your contribution! The event would not be an event without all you participants!

For those who missed it, well, you may still be able to join the bigger event this weekend (23rd August; ask Melissa).

30 Hour Famine is a World Vision event where participants gather together and pledge to fast for 30 hours in an attempt to experience even a little of what those in poverty are experiencing.

We had Mr Rahula, our Students department manager starting off the event with words of encouragement. We even had World Vision Angel DJ Terry and Miss Susan (who was also from World Vision) with us.

The first day was filled with games (the first game was introduced by DJ Terry before he and Susan left). We had the first round of Famine Challenge, games, and movies for the first day. The second day was pretty much filled with the Famine Challenge and movies as well. (If I hadn't said enough, I believe it was because most of the time, we were resting from hunger.) >.>;;; (Now imagine if we didn't know when we could eat again after that day?)

I believe that everyone who attended this camp and everyone who fasted definitely felt the hunger pangs that were very real on the second day. If it weren't because I knew I was going to eat at 4pm on Sunday evening, I was honestly ready to just up and leave and get myself McDonalds and nasi lemak if I could! But what if I didn't have that choice? What if I was deserted by society and was growing up not knowing about computers or a house made of bricks?

What we felt that day was mild compared to what we heard or learned about from the videos and from the challenges. And I believe and hope, everyone who participated realizes that too.

If you want to know how you can contribute more towards this, or find out how much you have contributed to this event, please visit www.30hourfamine.org. I think there's more that we can do than just attending this event.


PS: I wish I had photos but I only have one of Melissa hugging Li Shin's green dragon. Anyone with photos, please, upload them somewhere and send me the links ;)

“Walk for A Greener Tomorrow” Walkathon 2008

At last! Walkathon is finally here! Thanks to our hard working members of Tropicana under our brilliant leader, Joeanne Wong;) this project can finally be commenced.


  • To allow participant to be aware of the environment problem we are now facing
  • To raise funds for "Adopt A Tree Project"
  • To allow participant to have a better insight of the damaging impact of environmental problem in the society


Date:12 October 2008
Monash University Entrance
Application Fee: RM20 ONLY!!!

Deadline for application: 26th Sept 2008 (Friday)

Walkathon Route:

Those interested can get the application form here!

*Once you've filled up the form, please fax it to 03- 5514 6356. (Instruction regarding the application fees can be found on the form)
For More information, please contact us at leo@webmail.monash.edu.my or leomusc@gmail.com

Source: TheStar, (September 21, 2008) available thru: <http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2008/9/21/education/2033299&sec=education>

More updates to come! Stay tuned!

Notice of General Meeting

A General Meeting will be held on coming TUESDAY (18 AUGUST 2008) at 6.00 PM at Room 9306! See you all there!

TIME : 6.00PM

There are some important events which was completed. wanna know? COME... and we are hosting the coming CLD cum Leadership Seminar! we need you to help out!!! SEE YOU ALL there!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

WHO's Birthday?

Happy Birthday, Yi Peng
Happy Birthday, Yi Mei
Happy Birthday, Yi Peng
Happy Birthday, Yi Mei
Happy Birthday, Yi Peng
Happy Birthday, Yi Mei
Happy Birthday, Yi Peng
Happy Birthday, Yi Mei
Happy Birthday, Yi Peng
Happy Birthday, Yi Mei
Happy Birthday, Yi Peng
Happy Birthday, Yi Mei
Happy Birthday, Yi Peng
Happy Birthday, Yi Mei
Happy Birthday, Yi Peng
Happy Birthday, Yi Mei
Yo Guys, We're back~ Everytime, there's someone's birthday, she's reposible to tell me your birthdays. She knows where you stay, she knows your birthday, she knows your email, she knows your telephone number, she knows when you joined the club and she knows whether did u paid your club dues a.k.a Club fees~ OMG~ is she a stalker?! 

Don't worry, she's just doing her job... She's our Membership director. and it's birthday~ I can't help but to put her birthday photos on the blog.. it's a BIG event though~ Cause, i was just asking her.. she knows everyone's birthday, but when is HER birthday?! And lo! and behold, right after the General Meeting, i found out it's her birthday the next day! And mind you! Not only is it her birthday, BUT... It's her sister's birthday too! OMG~ Yea, 

Guess what? Being always seeing the two of them together, it's really a blessing to the club. Whenever you see one, you'll most probably see the other. If one cannot make it, the other can 'sometimes' slip in and replace the other... Honestly, i hardly differentiate them all the time... it's just by guessing and 'feel' hehehe... Ask them, even replying the email also at times i do forget whom did i reply.. hahaha... 

Btw, i can't help but to also mention Yi Mei's contribution... She's the current secretary of Tropicana group~ She's super efficient... i sure hope she continues to take Honors in Monash...  She should take up the next secretary post~ Woot! I think i just found the 1st next BOD... hehehhe... 

Anyways, the club would like to wish both of them (Though late) Happy Birthday!
Yi Peng and Yi Mei! WE LOVE you~ Yeehah~