Terms and Condition's for Membership of the Monash University Leo Club Malaysia (The Club)
1.1. Membership will be granted to students of Monash University Malaysia and former students of Monash University Malaysia only.
2. Finances
2.1. A refundable membership fee of RM 10 (Ten Malaysian Ringgits) is payable for a duration of one year.
2.2. Membership fee is only refundable at the completion of one year provided the member is deemed to active and participating in the club's activities as defined by point number 4.
3. Orientation and Induction.
3.1. All new members to the club will be required to attend the Orientation and Induction ceremony at the beginning of the semester.
3.2. Only members who have been inducted are eligible to vote or stand for election during the clubs annual committee elections.
3.3. Members who have not been inducted are eligible to participate in all club activities and are encouraged to do so.
3.4. Members who are not inducted during the semester of their joining are strongly advised to go through the orientation and induction ceremony during the next semester.
4. Active Membership
4.1. Members will be considered active and in good standing should they participate in at least 70% of the club's activities within a fiscal year.
4.2. Only members who are deemed to be active and in good standing will be eligible to receive a certificate of membership at the end of the fiscal year.
4.3. Only members who are deemed to be active and in good standing will be eligible for a membership fee refund at the completion (or subsequent extension) of their one year membership.
5. Certificate of Membership
5.1. A certificate of membership will be awarded only to members who are deemed as active and in good standing for a period of one year as per point number 4.
5.2. Awarding of the membership certificate is at the discretion of the club's Board of Directors.
6. Roles and duties as a member of the Club.
6.1. Members are expected to attend all general meetings, in the event that this is not possible an apology together with a plausible reason should be sent to the secretary in advance of such a meeting.
6.2. Members are expected to participate and strive to meet the Active membership criteria as explained in point number 4.
6.3. Members are expected to join either one of three groups (Tropicana, Humanity or PAWS), attend the group meetings, participate in discussion and organize or assist in organizing any project that the group decides upon.
7. Board of Directors Election.
7.1. The Board of directors will be elected during the end of the first semester, members are encouraged to run for elections and participate in the election process.
7.2. Only members who have been inducted and paid their membership fees will be eligible to vote or run for election.
8. Termination of Membership
8.1. Members who fail to attend 3 (three) consecutive general meetings without a plausible reason will be terminated. An apology should be sent to the secretary prior to the meeting to be considered.
8.2. Members may request to have their membership terminated by writing to the Membership Director.
8.3. Members who have been terminated (for reasons 1 or 2) prior to completion of their one year service are not eligible to receive the one year membership certificate or a refund of the membership fee.
The above is a general guideline for membership, please feel free to request the BOD for a copy of the club by-laws.