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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Humanity week

Humanity week this semester was a larger affair than usual with an NGO fair being added to the list of events. Leo Miyuru headed the event, supported with a committee without whom this event would not have been a success.

The event consisted of a blood donation drive held in association with Pusat Darah Negara, an eye screening event (ISEC), a health screening event (NKF) and the NGO fair which was made up of four NGOs namely Pink Triangle Foundation, Women's Aid Organization, Amnesty and Change Your World.

Humanity week garnered a good response with 207 people donating blood, 98 people getting health screenings, 89 people getting eye screenings and Pink Triangle raising over RM 1900.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Nominations =)

The first semester of the year is always special in that it signifies the birth of a new board. New members and old members alike are encouraged to run for positions on the board they think they would do well in. After all, to serve others we first have to serve ourselves and that’s what is asked of every board. To strive and serve Leo club while contributing as much as they possibly can.

The nominations started from the position of PAWS leader and worked its way up to the position of President.
The nominees for each post are as follows.


Shuaib Kadri                         Jeffrey Tiw


Cathryn Boey


     Low Wai Xin                    Anastasia Budiman Salim

Membership Director

Lim Qian Ru

Publicity Director

 Sungkavi Selvakumaran

Funding Director

 Ang Hooinee                                                        Ali Hyder

Community service director

      Shak Chee Hoi                  Michelle Wong Mei                  Tan Wei Siang

Tropicana Group Leader

Chamila Gunehilleke                               Lau Lik Sing

Humanity Group Leader

Miyury Jayatilaka

PAWS Group Leader

  Aarti Avalani                                       Wong Zhi Wyai

The next general meeting is scheduled on the 17th of April 2012 at room 9305. Make sure you attend because your vote counts! =)