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Monday, September 29, 2008

27 September 2008 @ SMK Batu Lapan

SMK Batu Lapan was somewhere unfamiliar but eight of our members took the initiative to attend the Regional Council Committee (RCC) Meeting in said place on the 27th of September 2008 (Saturday). The registration fees of only RM5 included a breakfast, of a Milo packet and cake, and a lunch. (Such an odd time to be talking about registration fees… Haha!) Anyway, those who attended from our club were: Garry, Melissa, Sharon, Yi Peng, Kenny, Chee Fei, Joeanne, and Ann June.

Region 4 RCC Meeting for LEO's!

Recognize them? From left: Yi Peng, Joeanne, Melissa, Garry.

At 9.20 a.m. the RCC meeting for Leo’s was called to order by Lion Chan Kee Oi, of Region 4. The President of SMK Batu Lapan (Leo Vivien) led the Leo Pledge; and their secretary was appointed The Secretary for this 1st RCC meeting. Lion Chan Kee Oi made the roll call with about 20 Leo Clubs from Region 4 and the attending Lions. Of course, all Leo’s responded with three hearty roars!

Attending Leo's ready to speak up and be heard!

Now, I won’t be giving you a minute by minute report of what happened but here are some highlights of what were discussed or said during this meeting.
  • Words of thanks to SMK Batu Lapan for organizing this meeting
    • And for attending Leo’s
  • Problems occurring during projects reported by each club representatives for the 1st quarter and next
  • Five district projects were highlighted:
    • Children
    • Environment
    • Health
    • Leo Idol
    • Leo Day (5th December 2008)
  • Region 4 projects: Youth Camp
    • 6-8 December 2008 @ Dusun Eco Resort, Bentong, Pahang
    • Please see Sharon for registration
    • Application dateline: 1st November 2008 (limited to 120 persons)
    • First come, first serve!
    • For other details, refer to the form and invitation letter at the end of this post.
  • The LEO Forum may be held in Selangor
  • Members were encouraged to participate in the CLD and LEO test.
    • The next will be held on the 3rd week of November
  • Next meeting: 11th January 2009 @ SMK Subang Jaya

With that, the RCC meeting adjourned at 12.08 p.m. with a vote of thanks to the attendees. Orientation test certificates (of those who passed) were collected by the club representatives before everyone went for lunch.

Wow... It really was a big grand meeting. Imagine being in the presence of many other Leo's who are striving for what you strive and serving the community just as you are doing. It must feel great!

Carolyn writes... on behalf of Sharon.

Youth Camp - Registration Form
Youth Camp - Invitation Letter

Health Awareness Week

I believe that awareness is created when you are doing something with the knowledge you have. That means simply knowing too!

Last week (that is, from the 23rd to the 25th of September 2008) the National Blood Bank and the National Kidney Foundation were invited to our university for this very purpose. They brought with them the reasons for blood donation, how does it work, and what is expected of blood donors; the need for organ donation, to know the finer details about your own health (besides 'feeling fine') and the need to keep your health in check. That week may be a tad bit hectic for most as they happily and graciously donated their own blood for the good of others; in between attending classes and rushing for their assignments! (Many thanks and gratefulness from us all!)

Enough said. I shall now present to you captured moments of the event. Enjoy. ;)

Health Awareness Week
View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own.

Once again, I would like to extend our thanks
to those who had a health screen,
to those who donated blood (and those who wanted to but can't),
to the members of the LEO club who helped out mending the booth,
the organizing committees, (you guys are the best!)
the administrators,
the event managers,
the maintenance,
the security, and
all approving bodies!

Ever grateful,

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Peace Poster Competition

On 28 September 2008, marked the Peace Poster competition jointly by The Leo Club of Monash University and our sponsoring Lions Club, Lions Club of PJ Mutiara at One World Hotel, Damansara Utama. With the theme this year, 'Peace begins with Me', the competition was well responded by the public! The response was tremendously overwhelming!

As early as 8.00 AM, eager parents, as well as their children are already at the concourse area awaiting to register themselves to partake the annual Peace poster competition. The Competition was indeed an intense one! Amazingly, the children, unaffected by one another, drew and colored to their best and took the breath of many who see their work!

The panel of judges were District Chairperson for Peace Poster Contest, Lion Tan Guat Beng, Mr Jason Chan and Ms Lee Soon Cheng. Oraganising Chairperson from Lions Club of PJ Mutiara, Lion Kam Poh Ling, as well as not forgetting Leo Club of Monash University's counter part, Leo Sharon both has co-ordinated well and the event was a success!

Here are some Pictures!

* You may shut down the music by clicking on the icon in the picture on the far top left corner!

Till then!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

1st Regional Council Committee Meeting

Notice is hereby given to all Presidents, Secretaries, Treasurers, BODs and Leo members in Region 4 for the 1st RCC Meeting.

Details are as follows:

Organised by : Leo Club of SMK Batu Lapan
Date : 27th September 2008 (Saturday)
Time : 9:00am – 12 noon
Venue : SMK Batu Lapan, Jalan Puchong, 47100 Puchong, Selangor Darul Ehsan.

Meeting Agenda:

1) Meeting call to order by RCC for Leos, Region 4 – Lion Chan Kee Oi
2) Leo Pledge
3) Appointment of 1st RCC Meeting’s Secretary
4) Roll call and record of non-attendance with / without apologies
5) RCC For Leos, Region 4 – Lion Chan Kee Oi’s Remarks
6) MAAR / Treasurer Reports of the clubs
7) Projects in the 1st Quarter (Problems occurred)
8) Projects for the next Quarter (Problems faced)
9) District Highlight Projects
9.1 Children
9.2 Environment
9.3 Health
9.4 Leo Idol
9.5 Leo Day
10) Region 4 Projects
10.1 Youth Camp
10.2 Leo Idol
11) Other matters
12) Date of next meeting – 11/01/2009
13) Meeting adjourn

Kindly confirm your attendance with the organising committee by handing in the reply slip attached before 20th September 2008.

RCC FOR LEOS, REGION 4, FY 2008/2009

Monday, September 15, 2008

Health Awareness Week

Hey all!

Don't miss out on our upcoming Health Awareness Week held on the week of 22nd September 2008. We will be having the National Blood Bank and the National Kidney Foundation (NKF) with us for our blood donation campaign and health screening.

blood donation campaign health awareness week

There will also be information posters put up at the foyer where the health screening bus will be parked. Please take some time to look at them and perhaps learn something new! Also, take note of the days when you can donate blood and make sure you sleep well before you do =)


Here's a sneak peak of the NKF bus interior.
You can also check out their schedule here!
Don't miss out! Take this opportunity and get your health checked!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Mid-Autumn Fellowship Dinner pictures

It was a Fantastic Fellowship dinner at Monash Library Rooftop~ Mid-autumn festival is a traditional chinese fellowship festival as well. At the same time giving thanks for the good harvest. Leo Club of Monash university too took the opportunity to have a fellowship on 9 September 2008 (Tuesday) to give thanks to the members who have worked hard and laboured well for the club. It was a pure fellowship night. Thanks to Organising Chairperson Leo Kenny Liew, and his fellow committee, who are committed to make this event a success. The night was filled with Food, Food, food and Fun~ 

For those who missed out, don't be heavy hearted. We've got pictures for you to enjoy! Hope you all enjoy the pictures! Make sure you don't miss our next fellowship event!!! Roar!

Li Shin's Farewell and Appreciation Dinner at Melissa's House~

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Mid-Autumn Fellowship Dinner

It has been a hectic month in the month of August for OUR Beloved members, with many of them actively participating in the events organized almost every week such as Installation cum Induction, YE Interview and exam, DIY 30 Hours Famine, Fund-Raising and Region 4 CLD programme cum Leadership Seminar.

Thus, in order to show our gratitude to our fellow club members for their support and contribution, we are organizing a steamboat fellowship dinner (Homemade style) that is held in conjunction with the coming Mid Autumn Festival. 

Not only so, PLEASE do not forget to bring your lanterns to be displayed during the night~ Let's get some lanterns lit that night! Wohoo~

This steamboat fellowship dinner would be held for all members to give thanks to all who have helped out and have contributed and at the same time, showing appreciation to fellow Lions and our club’s faculty advisor for their endless support and contributions.

Details of the dinner:
Date: 9th September 2008
Venue: Library Roof Top
Time: 6.30 pm - 10.00 pm
Fee: RM 10 per pax 

*We need volunteers in borrowing us the Rice-cooker or electrical hot-plate or steamboat pot for the night~ pls contact leo@webmail.monash.edu.my or leomusc@gmail.com 

or just contact the Organising Chairperson for this event, Leo Kenny @ 012-835 8639

Thursday, September 4, 2008

LEO 47th OSEAL Forum

GUYS, This year's LEO OSEAL Forum will be held in Hong Kong & Macau, China! Home to the 1st DISNEY LAND in ASIA, one of the most developed cities of ASIA. Grab the chance to register and go for it! It's on USD $100! 3 Days 2 Nights! Accommodation i taken care~ Check it out!