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Saturday, September 28, 2013

1st General Meeting for 2013-2014 Fiscal Year

Apologies for the late blog updates!

Our first general meeting for the 2013-2014 fiscal year was held on Tuesday 13th August, 2013, with an attendance of 58 member.

First off on the agenda was a welcoming speech by the new president Leo Lim Qian Ru, who introduced herself and all the new Board of Directors.

After the warm welcome, passed projects and activities were discussed which included Clubs and Societies week and Monash University Leo Club Malaysia's 10th year anniversary dinner.

Followed by up-coming projects which included Fellowship night, Tara Bhavan Visitation and Orientation, Initiation and Installation.

Lastly on the agenda was the introduction of the three sub-groups at Monash University Leo Club Malaysia. The three groups are PAWS(Protecting Animals Welfare Society), Humanity and Tropicana and each Group has a different objective.

Snapshots from the meeting:

Speech by the Club President Leo Lim Qian Ru

 New and Old Members

 Facebook photos of previous events

 Signing up for activities.

Signing up for a sub-group (PAWS, Humanity, Tropicana)