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Sunday, September 14, 2014

Visitation to Malaysian Association for the Blind (MAB)

Event Date: Saturday, 30th of August ,2014
Time: 9am – 12:30pm
Location: Kompleks MAB, Jalan Tebing, Off Jalan Tun Sambanthan 4, Brickfields, 50470, Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan, 50470
Organizing Chairperson:  Leo Kuan Hui En
No.of Participants: 11 Monash University Leo Club members and 2 Alumni

The Malaysian Association for the Blind ( MAB) is the premier voluntary organization in Malaysia serving visually impaired persons. It provides services that help the blind and prevent the tragedy of avoidable blindness. Established in 1951 by the then Department of Social Welfare to look after the general well-being of blind persons in the country, MAB has since carried out this role and much more. Its activities have extended from Kuala Lumpur to other parts of the country. These include educational programmes , rehabilitation courses, vocational training and placement service. In addition, MAB also runs a Braille library, a "talking" book library, a Braille Publishing Unit, an Information Technology Centre, Resource Centre and a Sale and Production Unit to name a few.
Source of credit : www.mab.org.my/

-Increase literature library of the blind

-To learn, experience and understand the process of producing literary materials for the blind

-To observe the wish of the visually impaired in enriching their knowledge through reading

Upon arrival, the Leo members were divided into two groups. Four members were chosen to do audio recordings of novels, which will enable the visually-impaired to listen to the audiobooks. The remaining members helped to type out novels, which will eventually be converted into Braille by the Malaysian Association for the Blind

Overall, the event was considered a success as the event went smoothly as per the itinerary.

Figure 1.0 Typing novels into Microsoft Word to be later converted into Braille

Figure 2.0 Audio Recording Studio

Blood Donation Drive

Event Date: Promotional and Awareness Campaign:(21st – 22nd, 25th – 26th August 2014) Blood Donation Drive:(27th August 2014)
Time: Promotional and Awareness Campaign: 12pm-1pm , Blood Donation Drive: 10am-3pm
Location : Promotional and Awareness Booth: In front of EMO Bookshop, Monash University Malaysia
Blood Donation Drive:Room 2103, Building 2, Level 1, Monash University Malaysia
Organizing Chairperson:  Leo (Sarah) Lee Jian Yun
No.of Participants: 13 Monash University Leo Club members and 77 Monash students and staffs

This event was a collaboration between the Leo Club of Monash University , Monash Student Wellbeing and Activities Department and the University of Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC)


-To ease the lack of blood supplies at the University of Malaya Medical Centre

-To raise awareness about the causes and prevention of dengue


In the four school days leading up to the Blood Donation Drive, a booth was set up in front of the campus bookstore in order to promote the event as well as to raise awareness about dengue. Short clips were projected each day for about an hour in order to encourage Monash students and staff to donate their blood.

During the day of the Blood Donation Drive, a total of seven (7) Leo members helped to distribute feedback forms to the donors. These feedback forms were prepared by Monash Student Wellbeing and Activities and will be used by them accordingly. By the end of the day, the event as a whole managed to get 77 donors.

Overall, the event was considered a success since a total of 77 donors was achieved in just one day alone.

Figure 1.0 Promotional and Awareness Booth

                                     Figure 2.0 Blood Donation Drive

Initiation and Installation

Event Date: Saturday, 16th of August,2014
Time: 11.30a.m - 4p.m
Location: Monash University Malaysia (Plenary Theatre)
Organizing Chairperson : Leo Juliana Tan Lin Wei
No. of Participants : 28 Monash University Leo Club members, 1 visiting Leo, 3 Lion cabinet officers and 8 alumni

The initiation and installation event is held every semester in order for the new members to be installed as a Leo Club member and for the stepping down and installation of the old and new Board of Directors respectively.


-To enhance members’ understanding of the background of Leo Club.

-To initiate members to become an official Leo member.

-To install new Board of Directors for the year 2014 - 2015.


Initially, the event was supposed to have a CLD orientation and assessment from 9.00a.m to 12.00p.m. However, due to the low number of Leo members who have signed up for it (13 out of a minimum of 15 people), the CLD orientation and assessment had to be called off.

The event commenced with registration of the members at 11.30am and then lunch (catered from JoshiJosh) and a quick game session.

At 1.30p.m, President of Lions Club of PJ Mutiara, Lion Yvonne Cheong called the meeting to order. There were speeches by both Organizing Chairperson, Leo Juliana Tan Lin Wei and Immediate Past President of Monash University Leo Club, Leo Lim Qian Ru. She wished the Board of Directors of 2014-2015 all the best in serving the club.

This was followed by the stepping down ceremony of the Board of Directors of 2013-2014. Next, Treasurer of Lions Club of PJ Mutiara, Lion Irene Hoi conducted the initiation ceremony where 10 members were initiated.
After the initiation ceremony was the installation ceremony of the Board of Directors of 2014-2015, which was conducted by Lion Yvonne Cheong. Soon after was the acceptance speech by Leo President, Leo Sarah Lee Jian Yun. She hopes that the Board of Directors 2014-2015 can work closely together to achieve and give more to the community. Lion Leo Advisor, Lion Nelson Wong also spared several minutes of his time to give a speech.

Leo Forum Awards, Outgoing BOD certificates, Group Secretary certificates, CLD certificates and One-Year of Service certificates were also presented to Leo members and alumni and previous Board of Directors present. This was followed by a speech from Lion Yvonne Cheong.

Lastly, Leo Sarah Lee Jian Yun presented certificates of appreciation to the Lions that attended the event. The meeting was adjourned at 4.00p.m. Lions, previous Board of Directors, alumni and Leo members had a photography session when the event ended.


   Figure 1.0:Stepping Down of the Boards of Directors 2013-2014


        Figure 2.0:Initiation ceremony for new Leo members

Figure 3.0Lions together with Board of Directors 2014-2015, alumni, new Leo members and Board of Directors 2013-2014.

Fellowship Night

Event Date: Friday, 15th of August,2014
Time: 6.00 – 10.00 pm
Location: Library Rooftop,Monash University Malaysia.
Organizing Chairperson: Leo Yam Wan Ting
No.of participants: 40 Monash University Leo Club, Malaysia members and 9 Alumni


-To allow new members to bond with old members, and to develop mutual understanding among each other and with the old members.

-Familiarize new club members with the club culture

-Strengthen club members’ ability to work in teams

The event started with ice-breaking games to allow the old and new members to get to know each other. Then dinner was served at 7 pm. Then, after dinner, all the participants were divided into 4 groups and they were given hints to start their station games. Prizes were awarded to all four teams and the losing team received punishment

Figure 1.0:Ice Breaking Games

Figure 2.0:Station Games

Figure 3.0:Group Photo

Clubs and Societies Week Semester 2, 2014

Event Date: 4th to 8th of August, 2014
Time : 9 a.m - 5 p.m
Location : Area in front of cafeteria of Monash University, Malaysia
Organizing Chairperson : Leo Maxvin Wong Wen-Shern
No. of Participants : 15 Monash University Leo Club, Malaysia members


-To recruit new members for coming semester.

-To promote activities of Leo Club in the university.

Details :

The nature of the event was to attract students of Monash University to join Monash University Leo Club, Malaysia by promoting Leo Club activities through a decorated booth. Board of Directors and members of the club took turns to take care of the booth and were responsible to introduce Leo Club to the university students during our duty period throughout the event. This event successfully recruited 49 new members.

                    Figure 1.0: Promotional booth during Clubs and Societies Week

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

2013-2014 year

Summing up the 2013-2014 Fiscal Year

Due to some problems, we haven't been able to update our blog. We finally can now!

Ever since Fellowship Night, we have had numerous events which were:

Orientation and Initiation
Humanity Week
SPCA Visitation
PAWS Visitation
Go Green Week
St. Mary’s Home Visitation
Can Recycling Project
Beach Cleaning
Perak Trip

Orientation and Initiation was our usual event which we have every semester, This was held the day after Fellowship Night which was the 22nd March, 2014. It was a smooth event where the C.L.D test was given followed by the Initiation of new members.

Humanity Week was a week which had exhibitions of NGO's who were invited to come into Monash University to showcase their products and what they do. Donations were collected and donated to Dai Victoria Center for Refugee Children. This event took place on the 7th April - 11th April

SPCA and PAWS visitations were events where members went and cleaned up animal cages and walked and bathe them. the events took place on the 19th and 21st April respectively.

Go Green Week was a week which involved a Bazaar, exhibitions and a photography competition. This event too place from 6th May - 8th May.

St. Mary's Home Visitation happened on the 18th May. We visited the home and entertained them with songs and games.

The Can Recycling project was a 4 week project within Monash University, Malaysia where by recycling bins were set up around strategically to bring awareness and to encourage recycling.

Beach Cleaning took place on May 31st in Bagan Lalang, Sepang where Leos spent an entire morning cleaning the beach followed by games and bonding. 

The last major event of the semester was our 3D2N Perak trip where by we visited Ipoh and Taiping in Perak State. Our first day involved a visitation to Madam Kang, More information on her can be found in our previous blog posts. The second day included going to Gua Tempurung and Kinta River Front. It was a fun-filled and exhausting day. Our last day involve visiting Kellie's Castle.

It was an activity-filled, fun-filled and memorable end to a fantastic 2013-2014 fiscal year.

Stay tuned for more from our new fiscal year!