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Sunday, July 27, 2008

Garry's been pondering~


Often are the times, our members seem to NOT know why they are in Leo club. Some join because of Friends, some joined because they thought they want to have fun, some join because they need to join something so that they are not left out. And… some join because they had to please their friends. While others join perhaps to get the cert. Somehow or rather, joining the Leo club, they have other intentions.

However little do they know Leo club is actually a service club! Serving by the motto, ‘We Serve’ meaning joining and wanting to volunteer. Of course while serving, you enjoy the presence of friends, and you do get fun out of it and certificates are just proof of service. But many of us tend to forget what the MAIN objective is.

Therefore I urge fellow Leos to earnestly having the spirit of serving! I quote the ex-president of America, J.F. Kennedy. Ask not what you can get but ask 1st what you can give.. Nonetheless, I would like to share a short story about serving which I have heard from church today.

Do you know why, in Hell, the inhabitants are often described as thin, and ever hungry? The story goes saying that in Hell, there is this Bowl, where food is filled non-stop. And all the inhabitants are given a pair of chopstick so long that the inhabitants cannot eat with it. Meanwhile, in Heaven, the same situation happens. The only difference is that the inhabitants of Heaven are ever well-fed and happy. The reason being is that the inhabitants of Heaven feed each other with the long-chopsticks they have. Since they themselves cannot feed themselves, they feed EACH OTHER!

This story is of course fictitious. Whether true or not, it is not of utmost importance. The importance of it is that, we too can make a difference in our community. It is up to us to choose whether or not we want out community to turn into Hell. Serving others doesn’t have to mean we ourselves have to be well off in the first place. We all have a need. We just need to look beyond ourselves sometimes. Only by doing so, perhaps we can help not only ourselves, but the people surrounding us.

Let us Serve~


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