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Monday, August 10, 2009

Induction and Installation Leo Club 2009/2010

Event was held on the 8 August 2009 in Audi 2 were 16 new members were inducted into our Leo Club. This event will also mark the changing of BOD 2008/2009 to the new BOD 2009/2010 lead by Leo Melissa. Leo Gary our past President created a beautiful speech before handing over his seat to Leo Melissa. These are some pictures of the event:


Due to too many photographers on that day.. the pictures will be uploaded separately... Here are some more..

IMG_7745 (Large)
Group Photo

The New BoD
The New BOD

one for the album
Dunno why the photographer cut off the leg..

joe n Boon Hoe
OCs for Walkathon

Say Cheese!

The IPP, founding Leo advisor and the new prez
We Present to you, IPP, Founding Lion-Leo Advisor, and the Brand new Hot from the oven President Melissa

The career womans~
The three Flowers....

Mel n Joeanne
Mel and Joeanne~

Thats it for now... Enjoy~

1 comment:

shin said...

can show some more pictures ah?
at least some pictures that can show faces of the new BODS?