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Monday, March 26, 2012

Fellowship night (23rd March 2012)

"Many men do not understand that the need for fellowship is really as deep as the need for food - Joshua Liebman". Fellowship night was held on the 23rd of March on the rooftop right about the Monash library. The aim? For new Leo club members to mix and mingle with the older members and gain their footing, see where they fit in and carve their very own niche in the small but close knit community that is Leo Club of Monash University Sunway campus =)  (thanks goes out to our past publicity officer Bryan for his help with all the pretty pictures =D )

And the list of members keeps getting bigger! 

 the mingling begins

 vice prez David heading the ice breakers


digging in 

 our games committee

let the games begin!

 "the most efficient ways to transfer water into a bottle"


group shot! =) 

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