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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Humanity week

Humanity week this semester was a larger affair than usual with an NGO fair being added to the list of events. Leo Miyuru headed the event, supported with a committee without whom this event would not have been a success.

The event consisted of a blood donation drive held in association with Pusat Darah Negara, an eye screening event (ISEC), a health screening event (NKF) and the NGO fair which was made up of four NGOs namely Pink Triangle Foundation, Women's Aid Organization, Amnesty and Change Your World.

Humanity week garnered a good response with 207 people donating blood, 98 people getting health screenings, 89 people getting eye screenings and Pink Triangle raising over RM 1900.

1 comment:

Ebru said...

Cute photos!
xx Ebru :)